When the Tiger Came

Can you get the treasure?

This is a browser choose-your-own-adventure game in pure HTML and CSS, no JavaScript at all! It was automatically generated from a description file. I will publish the generator once I un-spaghetti it, so you can make your own no-JS games too.

The story is heavily inspired by a live action adventure game I once played and really enjoyed. Made by Jan Pokorný for the 10k Apart Challenge by Microsoft.

You have a silver coin.

You have a golden coin.

You have some meat.

You have some carrots.

You have an apple.

You have a small silver key.

You have a big golden key.

You are on a small town square.

You can see a large nobleman's house.

Next to the house, there's a cage with a tiger in it.

A wandering salesman is going around the square, selling his products.

And what about that ?

Oh, look! There's a on the ground.

There's a guard standing nearby, looking at you mistrustfully. You approach the house and knock on the door. A nobleman comes outside. "Can I help you with something?" he asks. You notice a key, hanging on a string around his neck.

There is no guard now. He is somewhere else, having fun. You can . Or .

The nobleman sees you and starts yelling. "Help! Intruder!" In a moment, a guard appears from somewhere (he got dressed pretty quickly) and attacks you.

"Oh, my treasure? Don't worry about it, it's well guarded. And there is no one crazy enough to get the key."

"You've seen my tiger? Be aware, it's very dangerous. Don't try to pet him, he can be very agressive."

The guard immediately attacks you.

A massive tiger is watching every your step. A sign on the cage door reads "Siberian tiger: beware, its life is more valuable than yours!" There's a heavy lock on the cage door, with a rather small keyhole.

A simple toolshed is nearby.

The tiger is looking at the piece of meat hungrily. Should you ? Or ?

The tiger is eating a piece of meat.

A piece of meat is lying on the ground.

The tiger jumps at you.

The tiger is rushing to get the meat. Run or ?

After devouring the piece of meat, the tiger runs after you to the town square. The travelling salesman didn't notice the tiger fast enough, and you hear him behind you screaming in agony. You don't turn around, just run.

Suddenly, you trip, hit your head on the pavement and black out.

Inside of the toolshed is pretty boring.

Oh, look! There's a on the ground.

Here you are safe from the tiger. Maybe. You hear scary sounds outside.

Suddenly, the sounds stop.

Oh, look! There's a on the ground. It must've fallen off the tiger's neck.

You see the aftermath of the tiger attack. The tiger is dead now: he was killed by the nobleman's guard. The nobleman is wounded -- the guard is next to him, helping him. You can't see anybody else.

The guard looks at you and yells. "You! You've let the tiger free!" He attacks you.

You go to the nobleman's house. You open the door and go inside. No one is there to stop you. And finally: you see the chest.

It has a huge keyhole on its lid.

You have the correct key: you can !

The salesman can sell you some groceries (cheese, meat, vegetables and so on) for a price of one silver coin each. Sadly, you have none.

The salesman can sell you something for a price of one silver coin.

You can .

You can .

You can .

The woman doesn't look very interested in you.

"Oh, the weather? It is too sunny today. I don't like sun much. I like other shiny things."

"My job? Let's say I can help men. Rich men. Not men like you."

The woman sees your gold and is willing to help you.

Give woman the , and she'll distract the guard. Or .

Give woman the , and she'll distract the noble. Or .

The woman went away, and returned after a while. The nobleman liked her services.

She managed to get his .

The woman went away.

You open the chest. It is empty, except for a small polaroid photograph of a little boy hugging a baby tiger. They both seem very happy.

You won.

The game has ended for you. Refresh the page and try again!